Check Domain Availability - 1&1:

Largest Web Hosting Providers

Part I

We have done some research on the Largest and Best web hosting providers, and here is the list coming out of that research.

This is a semi-objective, semi-subjective list. I make no claim of including all the largest, just the ones I found and decided to include because I could reasonably well verify their stats.

Is largest necessarily the best? Absolutely not. In fact a number of the largest hosting services have been criticised. However, you do not become large without also being really good or really reliable.

So, without further ado, here is the most authoritative ranking of Web Hosting companies ever ... not really, but it's a nice list. We will be adding to this list and adding more lists as other hosting companies grow.

GROUP I - The Giants.

These are the mega-companies that have a lot of customers. So, you will find a lot of criticism of them on the 'net. After all, on a proportional basis the largest are bound to frustrate or outright annoy more people than an unknown.
  • Go Daddy Hosting: Undoubtedly our most controversial call. You can't go to a web hosting review site without finding people complaining about Go Daddy (GoDaddy). Again the law of proportions at work. Are they the best because they are the largest? Maybe, maybe not. I know the answer (*wink*). Wait until the review, it will have some super-secret surprises!

  • 1and1 Hosting - The European giant, also know as 1und1 Hosting.

GROUP II - They Could Be Giants

  • HostGator Hosting - rapid growth
  • BlueHost Hosting - another recent riser
  • iPowerWeb Hosting
  • Net Firms Hosting
  • Hosting
  • Host Monster Web Hosting
  • Yahoo Hosting - the giantest giant comes to dinner
  • DreamHost Web Hosting
  • StartLogic Web Hosting
  • Network Solutions Hosting - another giant
GROUP III - Up and Comers (continued in Part II)

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